********************************************************************* * * * The Amiga Phone Book * * w/Concert Dial * * * * written by: Jeff Hoag * * * * Copyright © 1990 Jeff Hoag All Rights Reserved World Wide * * * ********************************************************************* 1/22/90 Release Version 1.1 Change Control and Configuration Management Corrections: There was an inconsistancy in the shrink startup option that semi-randomly caused APB to cause an Amiga System Error. This problem has been corrected. A configuration file inconsistancy caused some systems to not immediately load their default configuration. This problem has been corrected. Additions: The biggest changes are aimed at those who use APB from the Amiga Workbench icon. The Icon now carries APB configuration information allowing you to set a default phonebook to load, whether to start APB as a shrunk window and if so, what x,y coordinates to load the bar in at. These flags which are set in the Icon Info window are itemized below. PHONEBOOK - Allows you to specify a default phonebook for APB to load at startup. Example: PHONEBOOK=s:AP.Book PLEASE NOTE - there are NO SPACES between the = (equals) sign and the first letter of the file location. This convention carries through to ALL Workbench startup options listed here. SHRINK - Allows you to specify to APB that it should start as a shrunk title bar. Example: SHRINK=TRUE This is the only value that will work. If you do not want APB to start shrunk remove this line from the icon tooltypes. CONCERT - Allows you to turn Concert Dial on immediately at start up. This is useful if you choose to use the manual dial option immediately and then shrink the window. Example: CONCERT=TRUE This is the only value that will work. If you do not want Concert Dial at start remove this line from the icon tooltypes. XPOS - Useful if you specify SHRINK=TRUE. XPOS allows you to specify the x coordinate to start the APB shrunk window bar at. Example: XPOS=50 Any number from 0 to 500 is valid. Invalid numbers will be trapped. YPOS - Useful if you specify SHRINK=TRUE. YPOS allows you to specify the y coordinate to start the APB shrunk window bar at. Example: YPOS=50 Any number from 0 to 190 is valid. Invalid numbers will be trapped. If you don't want any of these options erase them from the Tool Types of the WorkBench Icon. Thanks. Jeff